Upcoming Events & School Information
Brook Park Elementary School
17001 Holland Road
Brook Park, Ohio 44142
Attendance Line: 216-898-8680
Please leave the student's name, teacher's name, and reason for their absence.
Fax: 216-676-2073
Pre-School Office: 216-898-8288
Principal: Mrs. Tracy Schneid
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Lindsey Capacetti
Assistant Principal: Mr. Pete Carnabuci
School Hours
8:45-9:10 a.m. Breakfast students only; if a car rider, plan to arrive by 8:45 a.m. to allow time for breakfast
9:00 a.m. Students enter building
9:10 a.m. Tardy bell rings
3:40 p.m. Car Riders/ Walkers/ RAS dismissed
3:45 p.m. Bus Riders dismissed as buses arrive
Right At School Program/Summer Day Camp
Direct Line - 216-433-0808
Program Information